Nunavut Food Security Strategy

The Nunavut Roundtable for Poverty Reduction’s Makimaniq Plan III is currently under development and will include renewed food security action steps.

Prepared by the Nunavut Food Security Coalition, the Nunavut Food Security Strategy is derived from the public engagement process for poverty reduction that was used to prepare The Makimaniq Plan, the recommendations outlined in Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.’s 2010-2011 Annual Report on the State of Inuit Culture and Society,  the thousands of statements from Nunavummiut documented in the Government of Nunavut’s Qanukkanniq report card  and on social media, the evidence from academic and government research, as well as the Nunavut Food Security Symposium.

The Nunavut Food Security Strategy reflects more than two years of shared work. It describes the actions we must take to improve food security in Nunavut.