Aqqiumavvik Katimayiit
Aqviat, Nunavut


Tamna Aqqiumavvik Katimayiingit maniliuqhimaniaqhimangitun nunalaani katimayiyiuyut taimaaulatitivakhimayut ilihairutikharnik ilituqhaiyaangat nunalaaniilitangnaqunik inuuhiringnikkutpidjutikharnik. Aalltut inuuhiringnikkut katimayiingit, ihumagiyaulualiqtunNiqikhailiurnaiqtuliqinik niriminaqtuniklu niqinik. Taiguqhimmaarit.

Iglulik, Nunavut

Arctic Fresh is a community-based social enterprise operating out of lgloolik. The initial venture was to create a store that could provide groceries and household items at a reasonable cost to the community. Read more.

Iqaluktuutiaq Inuuhiqattiaqnikkut Katimavik

Iqaluktuuttiaq, Nunavut


Iqaluktuutiaq Inuuhiqattiaqnikkut Katimavikwww.cambridgebay.caIqaluktuutiaq Inuuhiqattiaqnikkut Katimavik aulahimaaqtun qaffiuyunik ilihairutikharnik ilauyutniqinik aulahimayunik piqaqtun. Havainirmi tamaat niqinik aikhiqvianungautivaktunikayuutikharnik 50nik ilaqaqtunik. Taiguqhimmaarit.

lnukshuk High School, Iqaluit, Nunavut


Grown Lunches is an activity that evolved 2 1 /2 years ago out of conversations with students in a food studies class about food insecurity. A decision was made to make free hot lunches available to everyone in the school community. Read more.


Toronto, Ontario, Arviat & Naujaat, Nunavut


Green Iglu is a not-for-profit organization that uses dome greenhouse technology to grow fresh produce in some northern, remote communities. In Nunavut they have two ongoing hydroponic projects in Naujaat and Arviat. Read more.



Iqaluit, Nunavut


The Iqaluit Greenhouse has operated since 2007. Initially it was developed to grow produce locally and to serve as a model for other communities in the north. Read more.



Clyde River, Nunavut


Ilisaqsivik Society is a non-profit community organization operating in Clyde River, Nunavut. It operates the Ilisaqsivik Family Resource Centre. The society runs 60-70 programs at any given time that include a food component. Read more.


Baker Lake Food Security Project, Baker Lake, Nunavut


To undertake this project, a local advisory committee was formed about 5 years ago and continues to oversee the program to date. The first phase of the project involved a community-led Household Food Security Survey to determine the level of actual household need. Read more.


Ilitaqsiniq Nunavut Literacy Council, Rankin Inlet, Nunavut


The Niqitsialiurniq Program was designed by Ilitaqsiniq as a 4-month seasonal program to provide cooking/healthy eating skills and basic literacy and job training. Read more.



Iqaluit, Nunavut


The Qajuqturvik Food Centre is a program that grew out of the Iqaluit Soup Kitchen. The members of The Soup Kitchen board became concerned that the project was not really targeting the underlying issues of food security for their patrons and sought an expanded vision. Read more.